
Accessing analytics via your dashboard helps you understand about usage and traffic to your website.

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The Overview section provides key statistics that can help you gauge the effectiveness of your knowledge base in assisting users and deflecting support tickets. Here’s what you can find in the Overview:

Number of Unique Visits

This metric shows the total number of unique visitors who have accessed your knowledge base within a specified time frame. A "unique visit" refers to a single user accessing the knowledge base, regardless of how many times they visit or pages they view during their visit. This data helps in understanding the reach of your knowledge base.

Number of Tickets Deflected by AI

This statistic indicates how many potential support tickets were deflected through the automated responses provided by the AI within your knowledge base. Ticket deflection measures the effectiveness of your AI tools in resolving user queries before they escalate to direct human interaction, thus saving resources and time.

Number of Failed Searches

Failed searches are instances where a user’s search query did not return any relevant results. Tracking this metric is crucial as it highlights potential gaps in your knowledge base content. A high number of failed searches suggests areas where additional or clearer information may be needed to better serve your users.


To tailor the displayed data to specific needs, you can adjust the date filter at the top of the Overview section.

Click 'Unique visits279Dec 18Dec 22Dec 26Dec 30Jan 03Jan 07Jan 11Jan 1501020 Deflected tickets40Dec 18Dec 22Dec 26Dec 30Jan 03Jan 07Jan 11Jan 150612Failed searches21Dec 18Dec 22Dec 26Dec 30Jan 03Jan 07Jan...'


When you visit the Articles section, you will find a comprehensive list of all available help articles. Each entry in this list provides several pieces of information which help you gauge the relevance and popularity of the article.

  • Article Title: The name of the article.

  • Number of Views: Indicates how many times the article has been viewed. This helps in understanding the popularity or relevance of the content.

  • Number of Likes: Shows the number of users who found the article helpful.

  • Number of Dislikes: Reflects the number of users who did not find the article helpful.

  • AI Usage: This indicates whether the article has been used for AI assistance.

  • Last Published Date: The most recent date on which the article was updated or published.

Click 'Articles'


In the Help Center, every query entered by customers is recorded under the Searches section. This feature is crucial for understanding what information users are most frequently looking for and whether they are finding the necessary help.

What are Failed Searches?

Failed searches refer to instances where the user's search did not yield any results. This is an important metric as it helps identify gaps in the Help Center content.

Click 'Widget'


The Help Center widget is equipped with a comprehensive analytics section that allows you to monitor and evaluate the performance of your customer support interactions.

Total Conversations

This metric shows the total number of conversations that have occurred between users and the Help Center widget.

Number of Questions Answered by the AI Chatbot

The AI chatbot is designed to automatically respond to user inquiries with relevant information. In the analytics dashboard, you can see how many questions have been answered by the AI chatbot. This metric helps you understand the effectiveness of the AI in handling user queries without human intervention.

Feedback on AI-Generated Answers

Feedback is crucial for improving the quality and accuracy of responses provided by the AI chatbot. This feedback can be positive or negative and is typically provided by users after interacting with the AI. Analyzing this feedback helps in fine-tuning the AI's performance and enhancing user satisfaction.

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